Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Manage all your secrets securely with public key encryption and realtime based tools, that seamlessly fits into your codebase

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$10 USD since Apr 2024
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Credit from Open Source Collective to keyshade •
Added funds #794666
-$5.00 USD
-$3.74 USD
Today’s balance$4.13 USD
Total raised
$20.25 USD
Total disbursed
$16.12 USD
Estimated annual budget
$21.99 USD

As developers, we often develop applications that need to be hosted online so that our users can make use of it. Hosting applications only reduce the hassle of local setup and also helps in mitigating security issues.
Now, most of these applications use some secrets that allow them to interact with foreign APIs, or create tokens for the users, etc. As such, all cloud providers give us the option to specify these secrets in some form or the other for our applications to utilize. While this is doable for personal projects or small scaled application, the problem gets bigger as our user base increases. Some of the issues can be listed as:
Now, most of these applications use some secrets that allow them to interact with foreign APIs, or create tokens for the users, etc. As such, all cloud providers give us the option to specify these secrets in some form or the other for our applications to utilize. While this is doable for personal projects or small scaled application, the problem gets bigger as our user base increases. Some of the issues can be listed as:
- Static behaviour: Since these secrets are treated as environmental variables, they are picked up only when your application starts. This means, you would need to restart your services whenever your secrets change.
- Possibility of leaks: Most cloud providers store your secrets as plain text values, or encrypted values that can be easily decrypted in case of breaches, which are becoming increasingly common these days.
- Manual intervention: We all agree that reducing manual intervention is the best way to reduce errors, but this isn't an option, unfortunately.
These are the problems that keyshade aims to solve. Our target is to enforce security to the fullest, while keeping in mind the adaptability of our client libraries. We provide you the complete ownership of your data, making it mathematically secure. Besides that, we also aim to provide you with a handful of services that would make your lives a lot easier. Here's a glimpse into our features:
- Security: We use Public Key Encryption (PKE) to maintain your data. Whenever you create a project, you are handed a pair of public and private keys, that we use internally to encrypt your data. This makes your secrets both secure in transition and at rest. We never store your private keys, until you want us to.
- Live updates: Whenever you change any secret, your application would automatically pick up the newer values without needing you to restart your services. This means lesser downtime, and happier customers.
- Secret versioning: keyshade provides you the option to version your secrets, just like you would version your code in any SCM. This gives you the power to experiment with your data, without the fear of making unrecoverable changes. In case you feel something isn't working, all you need to do is roll back.
- Support for object-like secrets: We provide the support for grouping your secrets into JSON-like objects. This allows you to keep your related secrets clustered together, without worrying too much about how you would reference them in your code.
- Workspaces and projects: It is really crucial for organizations to manage their data properly. keyshade provides you to do so by grouping your secrets into projects, which are a part of larger workspaces. Each workspace can have multiple projects, and each project can have multiple secrets.
- Role Based Access Control (RBAC): We keep security at the very top of our mind. Hence, we provide you with fine-grained control over who gets to do what. You can manage members across all of your workspace, assigning roles as per your want. Also, you can make fine-tuned adjustments to your API keys so that you don't over or under expose your data.
These are just a glimpse of our most interesting features. As we progress further, expect to get more interesting features added to this list.
At keyshade, we believe in empowering developers with a comprehensive suite of features that not only fortify your application's security but also enhance your workflow. Experience the freedom to innovate without compromising on safety.
Our team
Rajdip Bhatta...
Sawan Bhattac...