Open Collective
Open Collective


Open source

The fastest open-source API Gateway


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Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution

Become a backer for $5.00 per month and support us

Starts at
$5 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
Bronze Sponsor

Become a bronze sponsor with a monthly donation of $100 and get your logo on on Github.

Starts at
$100 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
Silver Sponsor

Become a silver sponsor with a monthly donation of $500 and get your logo under the Silver sponsors' category on our README on Github and the front... Read more

Starts at
$500 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
Gold Sponsor

Become a gold sponsor with a monthly donation of $1000 and get your logo under the Gold sponsors category on our README on Github and the front page

Starts at
$1,000 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
Platinum Sponsor

Become a Platinum Sponsor with a monthly donation of $2000 and get your logo on the top of our README on Github and the front page of https://www.k... Read more

Starts at
$2,000 USD / month

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Top financial contributors



$1 USD since Apr 2021


Albert Lombarte

$20 USD since Mar 2021

KrakenD is all of us

Our contributors 4

Thank you for supporting KrakenD.

Albert Lombarte


$20 USD


$1 USD



Transparent and open finances.

View all transactions

Debit from KrakenD to Guest

Contribution #321683

Credit from Guest to KrakenD

Contribution #321683

Credit from GoMage to KrakenD

Contribution #160158
Today’s balance

$17.38 USD

Total raised

$17.38 USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD


KrakenD is a secure, high-performance, lightweight, and stateless open-source (micro)gateway for cloud-native applications, on-prem installations, and microservices architectures.

KrakenD has a simple configuration but is a powerful engine between your clients and your services that can authorize, throttle, transform, aggregate, decode, or connect to REST, gRPC, and queues to mention a few examples.

KrakenD implements the Backend for Frontend and Micro-frontends patterns to eliminate the necessity of dealing with multiple REST services, isolating clients from the micro-service implementation details, and has been in large-scale installations since 2016.

In March 2021 we decided to join Open Collective for those companies willing to contribute to the open-source product. All donations to the project will be reinjected to the open-source product and to hire professionals with skills we do not have (such as frontend or design)

Our team