We aim to make anime globally accessible, and leave a positive impact on the anime industry's sustainability.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Join us for $25–$75 per month. Your contribution will pay for some of our bandwidth and hosting costs. You will receive: 1) Sponsor role and chann... Read more
Join us for $99 per month. Your contribution will pay for a significant part of our bandwidth and hosting costs. You will receive: 1) Sponsor role... Read more
Join us for $149 per month. Your contribution will pay for a significant part of our bandwidth and hosting costs. You will receive: 1) Sponsor rol... Read more
Join us for $299 per month. Your contribution will pay for a significant part of our bandwidth and hosting costs. You will receive: 1) Sponsor rol... Read more
Join us for $599 per month. Your contribution will pay for a significant part of our bandwidth and hosting costs. You will receive: 1) Sponsor rol... Read more
Join us for $999 per month. With this we can expand the infrastructure beyond caching servers, and separate scheduled tasks, for example we can mak... Read more
Join us for $1499 per month. Servers aren't a concern, neither is the database. Now we can focus on bringing anime streaming to everyone around the... Read more
Join us for $2599 per month. We can now expand beyond the web and start holding irl events, join conventions, have Kurozora merch, and make serious... Read more
Join us for $4999 per month. Only here cause the GitHub page has it. Of course no one is crazy enough to subscribe to this, but just in case you wi... Read more
Kurozora is all of us
Our contributors 1
Thank you for supporting Kurozora.

Let’s get the ball rolling!
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
About your application to Open Source Collective
Published on June 22, 2023 by Benjamin Nickolls
Thanks you for your application to Open Source Collective. In order to approve your application, I need a guarantee that Kurozora does not and will not provide direct access to copyrighted material without the express permission of the copy...

- Offering better anime streaming services
Back in 2016, I was fed up with the state of anime streaming: pricey subscriptions, limited catalogs, and poor quality options. These are true even today. As a result, many anime fans turn to illegal streaming sites for a better experience. At Kurozora, we aim to change that.
Our goal is to combine the best of legal and illegal services. We’ll offer legal streaming with affordable subscription plans that cater to different budgets, a free tier with better experience and video quality, provide all anime to all users regardless of location, and ensure safe streaming without spicy ads, pop-ups, and malware. - Be a reliable and modern anime tracking service
In 2017, the Aozora app, for which I served as one of the admins, was acquired by Kitsu. While I appreciate the value that Kitsu brings to the users, I noticed that some of the unique features that made Aozora stand out were not carried over to the Kitsu platform. Additionally, many existing tracking services have outdated user experiences, and even poorer mobile apps. There’s a lack of innovation.
We understand the importance of having a reliable and up-to-date tracking service for your anime, manga, and game collections. We will improve the tracking experience for everyone, with features that matter to anime, manga and game fans like you. We’ll offer modern user experiences and user interfaces, while making sure it’s as intuitive and easy to use. - Support the anime industry
During the same time back in 2016 (and recently in 2020), there were kickstarters for collecting funds to give to anime artists, since they didn't make enough money. Also in the years prior, a lot of beloved anime studios went bankrupt (Manglobe </3) due to financial reasons. Unfortunately, the current system often means that distributors and licensors get the biggest slice of the pie, leaving the artists and studios with little.
We love anime, manga, and games. We know that the people who create them deserve fair compensation for their hard work. With Kurozora, we want to level the playing field. Our goal is to have more money go directly to the studios and animators who create the content that we all love.
Our team