Open Collective
Open Collective

Collective Welcoming is transitioning to a new Fiscal Host

Collective Welcoming cannot receive contributions at the moment. This page will be updated with more information once the collective transitions to a new Fiscal Host.

Collective Welcoming

As an emerging council for the Local Food Forests Collective, we create our culture of welcome together. Local Food Forests Collective resources displacement and genocide resistant stewards of regenerating life systems.

Friday, December 8, 2023, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM (UTC-04:00)
Created by: Local Food Forests


Together we stay, ground and tend the fire of trust as we share stories. 

Local Food Forests is a collective of individuals and groups together in building resilience as and among displacement and genocide overcomers who support life systems. 

We create welcome together in a circle. 

Our team






Core Contributor