Book: Character Sheet
Part of: Mastering the Mundane
Fiscal Host: 8fold
Exercises to help you create and capture values, principles, practices, and tools; your character.

Before we jump into it, let’s talk about the problem. Warning: More words that are becoming tired ahead. Some folks tend toward strategy, while others lean toward tactics—some bounce between the two with minimal effort; that’s me, and it took a lot of practice.
I like the altitude analogy used in many self-management texts.
- Very tactical people tend to count the leaves on the forest floor; details, details, details.
- A little bit higher (more strategic) are the people who focus on the trees but miss the details of the undergrowth.
- A little bit higher are the people who focus on the forest but miss the details of individual trees.
- Higher are people who see the region, which includes the forest and things beyond the forest.
- Higher are people “in the clouds” or “dreamers.”
- Higher than that probably requires chemical assistance or intervention.
People who are into the details can find it challenging to answer the “Where do you see yourself in five years” question because they mainly look at today and find it difficult to plan more than a month out. People who are hanging out in the clouds can’t start shit; most of their dreams never even begin, much less finish. Further, people at different levels can find it challenging to talk with people at other levels.
The undergrowth person wants to focus on the “next steps” and the absolute next possible step. The person in the clouds can’t help because they can’t break their vision into actionable components.
When it comes to you, the individual, if you’re more tactics-oriented, the idea of mission statements, identifying values, and whatever is equivalent to “woo-woo hippy bullshit” and unnecessary. If you’re more of a cloud-walker, the idea of creating an executable plan is the same. You refuse to learn how to tie your shoes to keep your brain free for all the ideas and visions you’re having (drug-inspired or not).
This is the hurdle we’ll try to overcome in short order.
The content will be available through channels and distributors that align with the 8fold culture, some of which may remain free. As such:
- eBook via Leanpub.
- eBooks and audiobooks distributed via Scribl’s CrowdPricing feature to other stores, including Amazon, Apple Books, and so on.
- Podcast: The full audiobook will be released as free podcast episodes using Scribl’s podcast distribution feature.
- Paperback will be available through Barnes & Noble using their print-on-demand publishing service.
- Limited edition hardcover for higher-tier supporters; provider to be determined.
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Josh Bruce

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