Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Mathesar is an open source project that provides a spreadsheet-like interface to a PostgreSQL database.
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Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Thingylabs GmbH
$200 USD since Mar 2023
GitHub Sponsors
$114.87 USD since Apr 2023
Mathesar is all of us
Our contributors 5
Thank you for supporting Mathesar.
Transparent and open finances.
Credit from GitHub Sponsors to Mathesar •
Added funds #794104
Credit from GitHub Sponsors to Mathesar •
Added funds #786808
Credit from GitHub Sponsors to Mathesar •
Added funds #779318
Today’s balance$274.98 USD
Total raised
$274.98 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
$55.00 USD
Mathesar is a straightforward open source tool that provides a spreadsheet-like interface to a PostgreSQL database. Our web-based interface helps you and your collaborators work with data more independently and comfortably – no technical skills needed.
You can use Mathesar to build data models, enter data, and even build reports. You host your own Mathesar installation, which gives you ownership, privacy, and control of your data.
Mathesar is a non-profit project and we'd appreciate your support.
Mathesar is a non-profit project and we'd appreciate your support.