Micro-Meta App
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Develop community driven microscopy metadata specifications and software tools to facilitate microscopy data annotation.

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Micro Meta App is an open, easy to use, and powerful software platform that provides an intuitive visual guide to capture and manage Microscopy Metadata on the basis of the 4DN-BINA-QUAREP revision of the OME data model.
Micro-Meta App was developed as part of a global community initiativethat led to multiple publications featured on a recent Nature Methods FOCUS ISSUE dedicated to Reporting and reproducibility in microscopy.
News! For more details on Micro-Meta App, consult our recent Nature Methods and BioRxiv.org publications!.
Important! In order to get started please use the following resources:Note! If you intend to use Micro-Meta App on MacOS you might encounter difficulties un-zipping and launching the MacOS Zip. To address these issues please follow the instructions specified in this VIDEO
- Protocols.io Getting Started with the Micro-Meta App tutorial
- ReadTheDocs step-by-step instructions and
- Video tutorials
- Example JSON files
Our team
Caterina Stra...
Judith Lacoste