Open Collective
Open Collective


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Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution
Individual Backer

👉 Your name with a link to your personal GitHub account in our "Backers" section in the Manifest GitHub page.

Starts at
$5 USD / month

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Recurring contribution

👉 A logo of your company in the Manifest GitHub page in the "Sponsors" section.

$25 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
Premium Sponsor

👉 A big logo of your company in Manifest website and in the Manifest GitHub page in the "Premium sponsors" section.

$100 USD / month ** VAT may apply

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Manifest is all of us

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Thank you for supporting Manifest.


Transparent and open finances.

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Contribution #766428

Credit from Manifest to Manifest

Contribution #766428
Today’s balance

--.-- USD

Total raised

--.-- USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD


Welcome to Manifest, a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) that simplifies backend development while ensuring a seamless and collaborative coding experience.

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver a complete backend solution focused on simplicity, time efficiency, and effective collaboration. We firmly believe every developer deserves an environment that enhances productivity without compromising their workflow.

What We Offer

  1. Time Efficiency: With Manifest, launch your projects faster. Our platform lets you configure and deploy a full backend simply by writing a small Yaml file. This saves you precious time, allowing you to focus on building innovative features.
  2. Simplicity Meets Power: Manifest streamlines backend development without sacrificing capability. No drag-and-drop limitations here — our platform empowers you to code cleanly and efficiently in your favorite IDE. Enjoy professional-grade coding freedom.
  3. Seamless Collaboration: Unlike some no-code solutions that disrupt collaborative workflows, Manifest integrates seamlessly with your existing development tools and processes. Continue working as a team without interruptions, using standardized, proven coding practices.

Why Choose Manifest?

Choosing Manifest means embracing innovation, simplicity, and effective collaboration. As a tech-driven startup, we’re passionate about delivering an exceptional developer experience. Our dedicated team continuously enhances our services, equipping you with the best tools to achieve your most ambitious projects.
Join us and discover how Manifest is revolutionizing backend development. Together, let’s build the future of development with solutions that are elegant, simple, and collaborative.

Sponsorships are subject to approval, and we reserve the right to discontinue any partnership that is not a good fit for the project.

Our team