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News from MS Paint IDE
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v3.0.0 Preparation
The MS Paint IDE organization holds many projects across many different areas of interest for the primary product, its IDE. It is meant to read, highlight, parse and compile your images with code in them in a variety of languages, with things like Paint integrated buttons and Google Assistant support for an immersive experience.
The IDE is powered by a 100% Java OCR called NewOCR to read text from images, made for the IDE but is not restricted to the IDE. The OCR includes a wiki containing code examples, and an extremely detailed walkthrough of every process of the OCR, with code references.
The whole project started off as a joke in 2017, taking only a weekend to finish. It then gained some popularity, and after a while, it blew up after the 2.1.1 update, and so for the past ~9 months, that's the primary project I've been working on. My goal is to make people rethink their idea of a waste of time and try and develop using unusual tools.
Our team
Adam Yarris