Open Collective
Open Collective


A programming language empowering creation through iteration.


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€5 EUR / month

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4.8 EUR since Feb 2025

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Our contributors 3

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Added funds #835017
Today’s balance

€4.32 EUR

Total raised

€4.32 EUR

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--.-- EUR

Estimated annual budget

€4.80 EUR


Mun is an embeddable programming language empowering creation through iteration. We want to achieve quick developer iteration through natively supported hot reloading for data and functions. As no other ahead-of-time compiled, statically typed language - that we know of - supports this, the easiest way to proof its feasibility is through a novel language.

Hot reloading

Mun natively supports hot reloading - the process of changing code and resources while an app is running - on all target platforms and consoles with marginal runtime overhead. Its runtime has useful error messages, and can easily be embedded into other languages.

Static Typing

Mun's type system eliminates an entire class of runtime errors and provides powerful IDE integration with auto-completion and refactoring tools allowing developers to focus on writing code.


Mun uses LLVM to compile to machine code that can be natively executed on any target platform, guaranteeing the best possible runtime performance.

Mun's development is being done in our core contributor's spare time. To muster support and further advance the project, we welcome any and all donations.

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