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Financial Contributions
GENERAL Sponsor refreshment Judge & mentor at event PRODUCT OUTREACH Special Mentions RECRUITING Send one Representative to event BRA... Read more
All the benefits of Sponsor tier plus the following GENERAL Institute a challenge PRODUCT OUTREACH Prize named after you RECRUITING A ... Read more
All the benefits of Friend tier plus the following GENERAL Booth/Table at event PRODUCT OUTREACH Event uses API/Service RECRUITING Sha... Read more
All the benefits of Supporter tier plus the following GENERAL Access to project submissions PRODUCT OUTREACH Select an area of focus REC... Read more
All the benefits of Leader tier plus the following GENERAL Demo day award ceremony Keynote speech PRODUCT OUTREACH Pick event theme RECRUI... Read more
NaijaHacks is hosting the following events.
Top financial contributors
$150 CAD since May 2018
NaijaHacks is all of us
Our contributors 2
Thank you for supporting NaijaHacks.

Transparent and open finances.
2020 promo material
$128.82 CAD
$128.82 CAD
--.-- CAD
--.-- CAD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from NaijaHacks
Updates on our activities and progress.
NaijaHacks 2019 Areas of Focus

NaijaHacks is Nigeria's biggest Hackathon.
We are fun makers. Creative leaders. And norm disruptors
As a tech invention competition and invention party, NaijaHacks Hackathon participants have developed solutions to some of Nigeria's most pressing challenges using the latest and greatest technologies. One team created a solution to financially include the unbanked and underbanked people. Another team developed a social online platform to help connect entertainment investors to raw talents. And yet another team built a virtual reality (VR) app to enable immersive educational experiences.
For 2018, the goal of the NaijaHacks Hackathon was to build solutions to challenges in Agriculture, Education, FinTech and MediaTech using technologies like Blockchain, Machine Learning, Big Data etc.
The exclusive NaijaHacks Community is a community of all past NaijaHacks Hackathon participants who help each other to 10x their careers and businesses.
Our team
Uchi Uchibeke
Blessing Thomas