Open Collective
Open Collective



ngGirls aims to introduce women to the world of technology and increase the diversity in tech, by teaching Angular and Web in free workshops.


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Financial Contributions

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Starts at
$5 USD / month

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$100 USD / month

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Top financial contributors

Sam Vloeberghs

$2,550 USD since Dec 2021

ngGirls is all of us

Our contributors 5

Thank you for supporting ngGirls.


Core Contributor


Core Contributor



Sam Vloeberghs

$2,550 USD


Transparent and open finances.

Credit from Sam Vloeberghs to ngGirls

Contribution #641278
-$50.00 USD
Settlement #60774

Credit from Sam Vloeberghs to ngGirls

Contribution #502528
Today’s balance

$2,600.00 USD

Total income

$2,600.00 USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from ngGirls

Updates on our activities and progress.

Looking forward to 2021!

Hi everyone, Our last workshop was so exciting. It was the first in-person workshop in a long while, as part of the wonderful community-driven conference,...
Read more
Published on December 8, 2021 by Shmuela Jacobs


ngGirls aims to introduce women to the world of technology and increase the diversity in tech. Angular is a great technology to start with. We believe this is a win-win situation!

Our main activity is one-day workshops, where the participants build and deploy their very first Web application with Angular. The day starts with an intro to Angular. Then the participants follow our tutorial with the guidance of volunteering mentors. The workshops are co-organized with local communities, who know best their own needs. 

The participants
The target audience is women and people who belong to other underrepresented communities in tech, who would like to learn and try out a new skill - web programming with Angular. The main activity requires basic knowledge of HTML and programming (in any language), which can be achieved using online tutorials or our own pre-workshops beforehand. 

We aim mainly (but not exclusively) towards young women who:
  • show commitment to contribute to the community
  • make their first steps in web development
  • would appreciate the financial aid in the form of the free workshop.

The Team
We’re a team of 6 Angularists who manage ngGirls voluntarily: Shmuela and Revital from Israel, Martina and Robert from Germany, Kasia from Poland, and Alisa from the USA. 

ngGirls was founded in 2016 by Shmuela Jacobs, Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Angular and Web Technologies. Back then she worked as a consultant and trainer, following a career change where she discovered her passion for programming. Today Shmuela is a Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft.

We’ve had more than 75 workshops around the world since November 2016.
Some notable activities:
  • While in most workshops we have around 40 participants and 15 mentors, we've had two mega-workshops with around 120 participants and 40 mentors, the first in the Angular headquarters in California, and the second as part of the NgColombia conference in Medellín.
  • After a huge success of the workshop in Karachi, Pakistan, initiated by Zainab Saleem, the Pakistan Angular community organized a 3-day ngGirls course, called "Road to Angular", where the participants learned front-end basics before working with Angular. 
  • After Kasia joined as a mentor in one of our workshops in Poland, she organized a series of weekly follow-up workshops and created tutorials on advanced topics. That was before she officially joined the ngGirls team :)
  • In several events, and specifically online, we’ve added additional technical and inspirational content by engaging speakers from the community. 
We're looking forward to organizing more workshops, writing more tutorials, increasing our impact and inspiring many more people and especially women around the world!

Our team


Core Contributor


Core Contributor

