Nix 💙 Deployments
Fund the maintenance and review of open source Nix-based deployment technologies
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Support the following initiatives from Nix 💙 Deployments.
Top financial contributors
$630 USD since Mar 2023
$390 USD since Sep 2021
$165 USD since Dec 2022
$60 USD since Aug 2023
$40 USD since Sep 2021
$25 USD since Dec 2023
$6,200 USD since May 2022
$500 USD since Sep 2021
Nix 💙 Deployments is all of us
Our contributors 9
Thank you for supporting Nix 💙 Deployments.
Robert Hensing
XLN Audio
$6,200 USD
Steve Chavez
$630 USD
Hercules CI
$500 USD
Zhenhao Li
$390 USD
Michael Hueschen
$165 USD
$60 USD
Chris Hodapp
$40 USD
Transparent and open finances.
$6,007.95 USD
$6,832.08 USD
$824.13 USD
$3,004.26 USD
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Nix 💙 Deployments
Updates on our activities and progress.
NixOps Maintenance and Towards NixOps4
August '22 update
First expense
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
Which projects' maintenance or development would you like to fund?
Published on September 21, 2021 by Robert Hensing
The Nix 💙 Deployment collective is just starting out. Which projects do you think need some extra help?
Our first project is to speed up the release of NixOps 2, but perhaps Docker-based tech could be next, like Nixpkgs dockerTools, KubeNix or Arion. Or what about RFC 0022, a Minimal NixOS Module List for super fast config evaluation. Join the conversation!
This collective is administrated by Robert Hensing, known from Hercules CI. It goes without saying that funds will not be used for anything Hercules CI-specific. After all the focus is on build and deployment tools, which are independent from CI/CD platforms. The only fee that applies is from OpenSource Collective, which manages the financial side of things, such as taxes.
Funds will be spent primarily on
1. Labor cost of reviews
2. Maintenance such as improving tests, linting, auditing, etc
3. Cloud provisioning costs incurred as part of testing
Contact me if you want to apply for these funds, or if you want to know more before making a donation.
Shoutout to Domen and who was (clearly) a source of inspiration and help!
Our team
Robert Hensing