Open Collective
Open Collective
Published on May 30, 2024 by Steve Njamba Nditu Matatu Novella

I started my journey on a Thursday at 8:00AM – 9th May 2024, used a motorcycle to our home bus terminus, I boarded a bus to Nairobi where i had booked a bus to Eldoret. My journey from Nairobi to Eldoret was 6 hours and I arrived at Eldoret at 5:00PM,on the second I started my journey at 8:00AM at Eldoret to Lokchiar some kilometers from Lodwar Town. This journey was my first one to this sides, i enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the connection of the different people I met along the way. 
I arrived at my host's home and was received by the host and the family, delicious meal was prepared and a comfortable place for me to rest, I was happy my need for comfort. rest, understanding and flexibility were highly met.
In total my eventful and exciting journey was 18 hours exclusive of the waiting hours for busses to get people. 

I spent five days at Turkana, 4 days were for training and one day was meant for taking some rest.
2 days with the young primary School pupils 
1 day for rest 
2 days NVC training for the adults

Attendees of the pupils training
1.     Lokwi Primary – The host school for the training 15 pupils 
2.     A.I.C Lokwi Primary – 10 Pupils 
3.     St. Paul Namortunga Primary School – 10 Pupils 
4.     A.I.C Nadoto primary School – 10 Pupils 
5.     Lokamusio Primary School – 9 Pupils 

We had a common agreement of the program as: 

Session 1: 9:00AM - 11:00AM 

Break 11:00AM – 11:20AM 

Session 2: 11:20AM – 12;30PM 

Lunch: 12:30 – 3:00PM 

Session 3: 3:00PM – 4:00PM 

Break 2: 4:00PM -4:15PM 

Session 4: 4:14PM - 5:00PM 

The pupils were excited and curious to learn about NVC. 
Topics handled on Day 1: 
 -  Introduction of NVC and the four steps of NVC -  The training was incorporated games that were meant to bring clarity to the pupils. I used the four corners game when I was introducing the four steps which brings clarity on the NEED step.  

Topics Handled on Day 2
The second day started at 11:00AM with a reminder of what we had experienced on the first day. We later handled Request in the mid morning and later in the afternoon we practiced more on the dance floor as most of the pupils wanted to practice more of the four steps. 

The third day of my stay in the village I spent it taking rest after the two days of trainings with the children. I visited different places courtesy of the Teacher Robison. I visited the five villages, the hill that had a wedding in the 1890s and people turned into stones, i also visited the shopping centre, the farm where Kai is doing some Income Generating Activities. 

The fourth and the fifth day were meant for the adults who were attended the training. We had expected to have over 20 participants but only 16 turned up for the training, our first day of the training coincided with the return to school day and most of the people who did not attend said that they had taken the students back to school. 

The training was majorly on NVC introduction, Raphael Kai (The Host), started by explaining more about the Tusoma Pamoja Initiative, how it was collaborating with the other like-minded partners to bring the training to Lokwi Village. 

The training started with introducing what is NVC, the founder Marshall Rosenberg and the NVC penetration in Kenya. We also in the morning Session handled the first Step of NVC: Observation, we had practices on Observation, In the Mid Morning we handled Feelings. Later in the after noon we handled Needs and we agreed to handle Requests the next day in the morning. 

The next day the same people came and we started with the people sharing what was alive and in them, and this was done two participants shared that was new for them and it meant so much for them to be asked what was alive in them before start of the day had a recap of the four steps that we had handled the first day, 

1.     The adverse weather challenges - the weather is extremely so hot 
2.     Because of the weather so roads were impassable 
3.     During the adult training the where some participants were not understanding either English or Swahili thus lots of translation in between the training 
4.     The weather in Turkana is very hot during the day thus the program of the training would not fit the normal programming. 


1.     Train at least three teachers from each school so that they can be able to have a follow up with the trained pupils 
2.     Establish Peace clubs in the 5 schools so that the trained pupils can have a platform to be meeting as practice groups. 


Lokol Robinson – Teacher/Adult Participant 

Having been one of the active participants in NVC training from day one to the last day, I strongly recommend and appreciate our able trainer Mr. Stephen Maina who seem too passionate about NVC. Perhaps, he taught quite well as he was able to use varied teaching pedagogies. Among of these were: 

1.     Use of oral questions 
2.     Use of realia 
3.     Use of groups 

In the above regard, I have personally acquired the necessary skills by actually acknowledging that despite our diversity, we are same given the fact that our needs seem to be similar. 

In addition, I strongly recommend the NVC training to be a culture here in Turkana in general for we are marginalized, our society has been poverized with the inter community wars whose ultimate goal is to solicit resources to cater for the respective needs. The poverty index has been escalated by many raids that has also brought a negative harm than good. 

I therefore request NVC management to organize for more and more trainings in future targeting school going children, youths, women especially the widows and even local leaders, with a view to rooting out conflict. 

Delven Mbayen – Adult Participant 

On 14th May 2024 at 10:00Am I was lucky to have attended a NVC training which was indeed conducted by Mr. Stephen Maina Njenga. I really enjoyed the way he organized his ideas in as far as NVC steps are concerned. 

As a victim who lost my beloved parents through intercommunity war as a resident of Turkana County, we stay under hostile environment. These severe challenges i therefore recommend that with consistent NVC trainings we shall move an extra mile in solving a lot of conflicts that do exist in our community. More and more NVC trainings should be conducted herein Turkana for we really deserve. 

David Esuron Esinyon – Pupil Participant 

I wish this training to be conducted every holiday in order to comprehend more about NVC. 

I also personally developed more skills and behaviours 

It is interesting when the teacher taught us more steps about four step of NVC: - 





I promise now to apply four steps of NVC in my life so as to use good behaviours and talks to my friends in peaceful manner. 

It is better for us to know more about NVC because most of the pupils were not interested to get a basic needs like food. 

I physically also comprehended more about NVC because the teacher taught us that four steps of NVC is important in our life. 

Stephen Maina Njenga

Posted on September 13, 2024


1.0  Introduction 

I started my journey on the 13th August and arrived on the evening of the 14th. The training started on the 15th to the 20th August. I started my journey back on the 21st and arrived home on the 22nd August 2024. 

The NVC training was organized by Tusome Pamoja Initiative (TPI). This is an initiative started in Turkana Region with the main of using NVC skills and training to support children who have been traumatised by banditry, by using child friendly activities aimed at promoting peaceful coexistence. The targeted beneficiaries are from Turkana East sub-county which is along the border of East Pokot, Samburu, and Turkana counties in the Eastern region. 

This was a second training which had targeted the pupils from the 5 schools in Turkana East region who had attended the April training. 

Travelling to Turkana is an experience that is enriching and fun, the scenery, mountains and the meandering of the road meets my need for beauty and fun. 

1.1   Training 

I spent a total of 5 enriching days with the people of Turkana and my host. 

The training happened in 3 phases: - 

1.     Two days for the pupils 
2.     Two days for the teenage youths 
3.     One day for the village elders 

The number of attendees of the training reduced as this was a harvesting season in Turkana and it had been raining. 

Program of the training days 

The program of the four-day training (2 days for the pupils and 2 days for the youths) was as follows: 

Session 1: 9:00AM - 11:00AM 

Break 11:00AM – 11:20AM 

Session 2: 11:20AM – 12;30PM 

Lunch: 12:30 – 3:00PM 

Session 3: 3:00PM – 4:00PM (This is was reserved for interactive exercises and games) 

Topics Handled 

Day 1: For the Pupils 

-        Recap of the four steps – The first session was meant for the recap from the first training we had in April. I was happy to hear the pupils talking of the NVC four steps and giving clarity on their understanding about the four steps. The mid morning and after session were named as “Changing the Narrative” where we came up with jackal sentences and would change them into giraffe statements. This was done in groups of five participants inn each group. 

Day 2: Pupils 

-        The second day we practiced more on the four steps by using the dance floor which was very exciting for the participants. In the afternoon after lunch, we introduced the topic of empathy, we also experienced what is empathy and what is not empathy. 
-        We ended the day later in the evening by playing some soccer games with the pupils. 

Day 3:  - For the youths

 -  Introduction of NVC and the four steps of NVC - I used the four corners game when I was introducing the four steps which brings clarity on the NEED step.  The youths were able to share that they understood the four steps when we engaged in activities, group work and games. 

Day 4 youths 

The second day started at 9:00AM, and we focused the first session with the recap of the first day with a reminder of what we had experienced on the first day. The youth came with more clarifying questions about the four steps. 

Day 5 The Elders 

The training started at 11:00AM – 3:00PM and we had only one break at 1;00PM. Our common agreement was to end at 2:00PM. 

We had a brief training with the elders who had come. We had around 8 village elders and they were all men. Kai started by introducing Tusome Pamoja Initiative and how it was working together to ensure that NVC is spread in the region. 

I later introduced the NVC and the four steps of the NVC. The elders were keen on the four steps and especially on the observation and request. 


1.     The adverse weather challenges - the weather is extremely so hot 

2.     The training with the elders was a bit challenging because most of them didn’t understand English and Swahili and we depended with translators 


1. There is a need to train the teachers of the different schools so that they can be in the loop with the pupils who have been already trained on the NVC basics 

2. Another training with the pupils to be conducted in the month of December so that there will be a continuity of the NVC knowledge and more practice. 

3. Provide writing materials for the participants so that they can be able to capture what it is trained. 


Sample of Feedback from the participants

1.     I have learnt a lot for the last two days and especially on how to communicate with my friend and family.   Ruth Oyok 
2.     This is my second time to attend the NVC training and I have really enjoyed todays to pic on empathy which i have learnt a lot. – Dennis 
3.     We need such peace training in our region so that we can be able to promote peace in our region especially for us in the border between Turkan and west Pokot. I have enjoyed what Steve has taught us on the four steps which I have really understood. – Village elder – James 
4.     The facilitator has been very supportive in making me understand the four steps of NVC and understanding the difference between jackal and giraffe communications. In the university I will try as much as possible to use the giraffe language and hopefully over the holiday I will be able to join another session of the training. – Mary Youth participant. 
5.     The pupils have started integrating the NVC steps in their conversations since they were trained last holiday. I have seen a shift from the way they were having conversations before the training and now after the training. How I wish this training was conducted to all pupils in the school. – Tr. Robinson 
6.     I have been able to teach the NVC skills with my smaller brothers and sisters especially the four steps, I am happy they have been able to learn – Jackson Modi Grade 7 pupil 
7.     I would love next time you come with writing materials so that we can be able to write all what you have been teaching us. – Janet Moson 
8.     I loved the way the training was inclusive of games, group works and role plays, I was not bored as I learnt very important skills. – Dan Youth Participant 
9.     I love the training and I believe it will be helpful to me as I interact with my wives when a conflict arises. I will ensure that I concentrate more on the observation and needs. – Paul – Adult Participant (Translated from Turkana to Swahili) 
10.  I love the games and the activity of changing the Narrative, It made me understand the NVC more and I will be using it more and more in my discussion and at school with my schoolmates. The trainer was audible enough and was moving around to explaining to us what we didn’t understand.  -  Beatrice Ajong’ – Youth Participant. 

Stephen Maina Njenga

Posted on September 13, 2024

The Youths taking part in a discussion group

Stephen Maina Njenga

Posted on September 13, 2024

A picture of the pupils after the training.

Stephen Maina Njenga

Posted on September 13, 2024

With the villager elders during the training.

Stephen Maina Njenga

Posted on September 13, 2024

With the youths after the training.

Stephen Maina Njenga

Posted on September 13, 2024

The pupils taking place during the training 

Stephen Maina Njenga

Posted on September 13, 2024

During the training with the youths

Stephen Maina Njenga

Posted on September 13, 2024

Pupils with the manual during the group work looking at the Feelings and the Needs