New York Transit Museum Mutual Aid has been archived.
New York Transit Museum Mutual Aid has been archived and is no longer active.

In the first week of March 2021, the New York Transit Museum eliminated the positions of at least 24 employees - full-time and part-time - effective immediately, without notice. As a result, many of the laid-off employees lost their main source of income and health insurance during a pandemic.
The New York Transit Museum Mutual Aid Fund aims to help employees affected by the recent lay-offs. Funds will help cover rent, ease the impact of medical bills, and help those with reduced cash flow. Our initial goal of $5,000 is meant to support colleagues as they navigate the challenges of unemployment. Increased goals will provide additional assistance. If there are funds remaining after all needs are met, those funds will be donated to Transportation Alternatives, as a part of our love for transit history and the people who create it.
***We have reached our initial $5000 goal, thank you so much to everyone for your generosity! Based on the current applications, we are now increasing the goal to $6500. ***
***We have reached our initial $5000 goal, thank you so much to everyone for your generosity! Based on the current applications, we are now increasing the goal to $6500. ***
We want the Museum to survive this pandemic, but we also believe in sustaining and supporting employees who have dedicated themselves to the Museum. Please support the fund via donations on Open Collective.
The views, opinions, and activities expressed and represented in this fundraiser are those of the individual organizers. The New York Transit Museum and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority are in no way affiliated with this fund.

New York Transit Museum Mutual Aid is all of us
Our contributors 137
Thank you for supporting New York Transit Museum Mutual Aid.
NYTM Mutual Aid
Danaleah Scho...
Kasha Pazdar
NG & Team LGA
Subway Superhero
$250 USD
Fariha Syed
$250 USD
Delia Ramos
$250 USD
$200 USD
Ethan Simon
$200 USD
Andy Richter
$200 USD
Briana Sperry
$155 USD
$150 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #467134
-$500.00 USD
-$601.00 USD
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$6,184.08 USD
Total disbursed
$6,184.08 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from New York Transit Museum Mutual Aid
Updates on our activities and progress.
Choo choo~ Last stop! Thank you all for your contributions.
Long time no see everyone! Thank you so much, once again, to everyone who donated. The Transit Museum Mutual Aid fund is officially closed, having given out over $6000 to its applicants. We all really appreciate the solidarity, the support,...
Published on July 22, 2021 by Danaleah Schoenfuss
Choo Choo~ Next stop, our second goal!
Hello everyone,Thank you so much for your generosity! We were able to meet our initial goal of $5000, well ahead of our fundraising deadline of May 7th. Based on our current roster of applications for aid, we are now launching a second goal...
Published on April 28, 2021 by Danaleah Schoenfuss