Open Collective
Open Collective

Become a contributor

These are all the ways you can help make our community sustainable.

Basic sustainer

We need around 20 people to donate at this level to cover basic costs and organic growth

€10 EUR / month

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Would be nice to have some institutional group support to start to make stipends available, so people outside the money economy could get/keep up i... Read more

Starts at
€40 EUR / month

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#openweb supporter

It is nice to show you care, if you have some resources please make your support visible, thanks.

€5 EUR / month

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One-time contribution
Start a new instance up

This donation will be spent on the coast of booting up a new #openweb instance, if you would like to see the #openweb world you dream of and have t... Read more

€500 EUR

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Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

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+ 7
On the song, feel free to treat it as a first draft, we are taking a long history of “commons” an...

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#OMN a standards based political software framework to build #KISS and #4opens grassroots semanti...

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Working to reboot the indymedia network

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SHUT DOWN after 5 years due to lack of funds and communerty - We used to run 2 instances, the org...

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+ 7
Aan open activist archive project that aims to create a data commons based on the #4opens framewo...

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The project is a part of the Open Media Network (#OMN), which is a grassroots initiative to creat...

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The #4opens are a simple way to judge the value of an “alt/grassroots” tech project https://unite...

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The #OGB codebase is a set of software tools which encode a governance model based on traditiona...

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