Open Science TV
Fiscal Host: Open Collective Europe
First independent scientific media platform for promoting practices of Open Science in academia

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Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Gavin Taylor
€42 EUR since Oct 2020
Eléa Spampani
€5 EUR since Jul 2021
Open Collective Europe
€42.65 EUR since Sep 2022
Open Science TV is all of us
Our contributors 5
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Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Open Collective Europe to Open Science TV •
Added funds #575104
Balance transfer
Contribution #100262
Today’s balance€42.65 EUR
Total raised
€85.30 EUR
Total disbursed
€42.65 EUR
Estimated annual budget
--.-- EUR

Scientific findings make our life better, safer and more comfortable. It is scientists can invent a cure for the global COVID-19 problem. But not everybody is aware of difficulties for scientists to make it possible. Academic community is suffering from luck of funding, transparency, reproducibility and toxic atmosphere. Some of these problems arise from commercial companies creating and promoting superficial rankings and holding on author rights from published scientific articles which are put behind paywalls and sold back to universities at steep prices. Adding to this the fact that most of scientific research is funded from taxpayers, makes the current system of scientific development dysfunctional and inefficient. Open Science TV is a new independent scientific media platform. Our goal is to promote Open Science principles as a potential cure to these problems and give a word to scientists.
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