Open Miami Host
We champion open-source, tech-based programs and services that make Miami a better place to live.

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Financial Contributions
Connected Collectives
Top financial contributors
$1,943.01 USD since Jan 2020
Open Miami Host is all of us
Our contributors 5
Thank you for supporting Open Miami Host.


Transparent and open finances.
-$3,973.00 USD
-$348.00 USD
Today’s balance$4,244.27 USD
Total income
$1,980.51 USD
Total disbursed
-$2,263.76 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

"Open Miami?" Like, the tennis tournament?
No. You're thinking the Miami Open.
Open Miami, on the other hand, wants to champion the use of open-source tech in building municipal services and programs that make Miami a better place.
We started seven years ago as Code for Miami, volunteers that met over pizzas every week to use technology to make Miami a better place to live. We continue that mission to this day through a network of community organizing, educational events related to technology, civics, and issues, and promote and facilitate tech projects based on available technologies and open data.
Current Projects and Programs
- Code for Miami Events and Workshops: Every year we do bi-weekly Open Hack Nights and major events in partnership with Code for America.
- The Miami Civic User Testing Group (cutgroup.miami) - a ten month pilot program to bring a county wide user testing group to test city and county apps and websites. A 2016 Knight Cities Challenge winner.
- GetHousing (GetHousing.org) - a 6-month research project funded by Code for America to modernize the City of Miami's Affordable Housing Certificate program. This project ended on December 2019.
Code for Miami, Inc. DBA Open Miami is a recognized corporation in the state of Florida, 501(c)3 status