Open Collective
Open Collective
Invitation to Participate in Research Study on Code of Conduct (CoC) in Open-Source Communities
Published on February 20, 2024 by Lauren Gardner

Hi all, we're sharing this invitation to participate in a research study. 

If Open Source Collective hosts your project, your project has more governance set up than 99% of open source projects on the web. That means it's also likely that you've been doing open source for a long time and have had to deal with conflict in your community. If that's the case, and if you have a Code of Conduct, we hope you'll share your experience of using a Code of Conduct with us. 

A team of researchers, led by Dr. Shurui Zhou from the University of Toronto (UofT), is partnering with NumFOCUS for a project centered on comprehending the implementation of Code of Conduct (CoC) in open-source communities. They seek to conduct interviews with open source practitioners familiar with adjusting and utilizing CoC to foster a welcoming environment and those experienced in addressing CoC violations. The objective is to gain insights into current CoC usage, identify challenges, and suggest optimal practices.

We hope that you'll be up for being part of this study. Through Richard Littauer and SustainOSS, we're working with Dr. Zhou and NUMFOCUS to gather participants for this study so that we can end up with resources on how you and other collectives can best set up Codes of Conduct in your projects and to develop a best practices guide that we can put on our docs to help future projects. 

The study has received approval from the Research Ethics Board (REB) at UofT, and the detailed study description is provided below for your reference. If you are interested and available for an interview, we would appreciate it if you could fill out this sign-up form before our interview to make the discussion more efficient.

If you've got more questions, send them to Richard Littauer at [email protected], or Dr. Shurui Zhou at [email protected], or comment here. 

Open Source Collective
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