Open Collective
Open Collective

Origami Lab

We are a community, based on the principles of open-source with the focus on accelerating medical research

Today's Balance
CHF 17.97
Open-Source digital lab journal
CHF 10,000


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Financial Contributions

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Become a backer for CHF 5.00 per month and support us

Starts at
CHF 5 CHF / month

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Recurring contribution

Become a sponsor for CHF 100.00 per month and support us

Starts at
CHF 100 CHF / month

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Origami Lab is hosting the following events.

Past event
12:00 PM-01:30 PM UTC
We want to have a closer look at the mystical term AI and give you a bit of background on what ki...Read more

Top financial contributors

Viktor Andreas

CHF20.08 CHF since Feb 2021

Origami Lab is all of us

Our contributors 3

Thank you for supporting Origami Lab.

Viktor Andreas



Michael Kogan

Core Contributor


Transparent and open finances.

View all transactions
+CHF 20.00CHF
Contribution #139270
Today’s balance

CHF 17.97 CHF

Total raised

CHF 17.97 CHF

Total disbursed

--.-- CHF

Estimated annual budget

--.-- CHF


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Origami Lab

Updates on our activities and progress.

Community Spring Updates

Hi Community! Time for spring updates from our side:20+ maintainers around the globe, including the support of researchers and STEM advocates from Switzerland and Kenya. Demo of COBALT Research Management Platform launched.The next meetup i...
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Published on April 14, 2021 by Aliaksandra Baidak

How can you help

Dear, contributors! If you were wondering where to start accelerating science? Here are current to-do's very much appreciated to complete: Social media support Follow us on...
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Published on March 9, 2021 by Aliaksandra Baidak

First issue on Github!

Hi folks! We are more than ready to dive into building Cobalt. Tune in on Github to help us with digital research management platform --> Your contribution will change science!
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Published on March 3, 2021 by Aliaksandra Baidak


Accelerating science and solving problems.

We are a non-profit community based on open-source principles with a focus on accelerating medical research. Origami Lab connects talented data scientists, academia experts, pharmaceutics professionals with out-of-the-box engineers and creative enthusiasts. 

The current research environment is fragmented, lacks automation, and does not utilize a vast amount of data. We believe that the research processes, tools, and methodologies must be modernized and approached with technology-savvy expertise. 

Our motivation is to innovate and modernize science and research using the latest technologies and organizational principles, which accelerated in recent years significantly and are already being successfully applied across other industries and areas.

Our contribution space is open to anyone who wants to host a meetup, promote open science, write code, pitch us for a sponsor, adjust UI/UX, do a code review, and many more. We have 80 amazing followers across Switzerland, Eastern Europe, Australia, Thailand, Israel, Bulgaria, and we continue to grow!

Get involved:
Let's make a science-reset together!

Our team