Part of: Open Science Labs
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
ArtBox is a tool set for handling multimedia files.

ArtBox is a versatile tool set designed for efficient multimedia file handling, offering a range of valuable functions to enhance your multimedia processing experience.
Key Features:
ArtBox offers a variety of features such as converting text to audio, downloading YouTube videos, creating songs based on musical notes, removing audio from videos, extracting audio from videos, and combining audio and video files, providing users with convenient solutions for various multimedia tasks.
These key features make ArtBox an invaluable tool for multimedia enthusiasts, content creators, and anyone seeking efficient and user-friendly solutions for multimedia file manipulation. Explore the possibilities with ArtBox and elevate your multimedia processing capabilities.
Documentation page: https://osl-incubator.github.io/artbox/
Our team
Francisco Palm
Core Contributor
Devansh Parmar
Core Contributor
Saransh Chopra
Core Contributor
Ivan Ogasawara
Ever Vino
Open Science ...
Mariangela Pe...
Core Contributor
Gagandeep Singh
Core Contributor
Core Contributor
Yurely Camacho
Mfonobong Emm...
Core Contributor
Abhijeet Saroha
Core Contributor
Ana Paula Kre...
Core Contributor

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