Part of: Open Science Labs
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Arx is a compiler that relies on ASTx and IRx, two ArxLang sub-project

Arx is a compiler empowered by ASTx and IRx, two ArxLang sub-projects.
ASTx is an agnostic expression structure for AST. It is agnostic because it is not specific to any language, neither to the ArxLang project, although its main focus is to provide all needed feature for ArxLang.
ASTx is an agnostic expression structure for AST. It is agnostic because it is not specific to any language, neither to the ArxLang project, although its main focus is to provide all needed feature for ArxLang.
ASTx doesn't aim to be a lexer or a parser, although it could be used by any programming language or parser in order to provide a high level representation of the AST.
IRx aims to provide a translator to LLVM-IR from ASTx objects.
NOTE: Arx is still in an initial phase.
NOTE: Arx is still in an initial phase.
Our team
Francisco Palm
Core Contributor
Devansh Parmar
Core Contributor
Saransh Chopra
Core Contributor
Ivan Ogasawara
Ever Vino
Open Science ...
Mariangela Pe...
Core Contributor
Gagandeep Singh
Core Contributor
Core Contributor
Yurely Camacho
Mfonobong Emm...
Core Contributor
Abhijeet Saroha
Core Contributor
Ana Paula Kre...
Core Contributor

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