Sugar organizes your stack of containers with different environment and configuration on top of the compose files.

Sugar simplifies the usage of containers!
You may be thinking, why do I need a new library that wrap-up docker-compose if they are already really simple to use?
Yes, they are simple to use, but if you have some other parameters to the compose command line, it could be very tedious to write them every time such as --env-file, --project-name, --file, etc.
So, in this case we could use something like a script or make, right?
Yes, and just for one project it would be good enough. But, if you maintain or collaborate a bunch of projects, it would be like a boiler plate.
Additionally, if you are maintaining some extra scripts in order to improve your containers stack, these scripts would be like a boilerplate as well.
So, the idea of this project is to organize your stack of containers, gathering some useful scripts and keeping this information centralized in a configuration file. So the command line would be very simple.
Our team
Francisco Palm
Core Contributor
Devansh Parmar
Core Contributor
Saransh Chopra
Core Contributor
Ivan Ogasawara
Ever Vino
Open Science ...
Mariangela Pe...
Core Contributor
Gagandeep Singh
Core Contributor
Core Contributor
Yurely Camacho
Mfonobong Emm...
Core Contributor
Abhijeet Saroha
Core Contributor
Ana Paula Kre...
Core Contributor

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