SciCookie is a template developed by Open Science Labs that creates projects from project templates

SciCookie is a template developed by Open Science Labs that creates projects from project templates. It serves as a boilerplate which can be used by beginners as well as full fledged developers to simplify the project creation process and save considerable amount of time.
SciCookie is primarily based on the PyOpenSci recommendations who is actively conducting investigations to determine the tools, libraries, best practices, and workflows utilized by significant scientific Python groups. As a result, this template offers to authors a starting point for their project that adheres with industry standards and can be adjusted to meet particular project requirements.
Our team
Francisco Palm
Core Contributor
Devansh Parmar
Core Contributor
Saransh Chopra
Core Contributor
Ivan Ogasawara
Ever Vino
Open Science ...
Mariangela Pe...
Core Contributor
Gagandeep Singh
Core Contributor
Core Contributor
Yurely Camacho
Core Contributor
Mfonobong Emm...
Core Contributor
Abhijeet Saroha
Core Contributor
Ana Paula Kre...
Core Contributor
Ever Vino
Yurely Camacho
Core Contributor

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