Open Collective
Open Collective

Participay Fund


Transparent, simple compensation for activist expertise


Transparent and open finances.

-€2,156.25 EUR
-€1,500.00 EUR
Today’s balance

€51,915.10 EUR

Total raised

€262,500.00 EUR

Total disbursed

€210,584.90 EUR

Estimated annual budget

€95,000.00 EUR


Let’s get the ball rolling!


Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.

How to tag expense claims (Guerrilla team)

Published on March 15, 2022 by Romy Krämer

p2p consultation - for support among activists in the network, individual coaching calls etc. Activist Council - compensation for scouting, application review, meeting time of council members...



The Guerrilla Participay Fund on Open Collective is our way to compensate people and collectives in our network for their contribution to our activities. Whether activists give input at one of our online events, help us brainstorm new strategic projects, scout grant candidates, or participate in our grantmaking process, fairly paying people is one way of appreciating the time and expertise that goes into all of this. 

Our team