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Financial Contributions
Become a backer for a minimum of $5.00 per month and help us sustain our activities! Backers will be: Announced on twitter Listed as an individu... Read more
Become a silver sponsor and help us sustain our activities! Silver sponsors will receive: Announced on twitter Listed as Silver sponsor in the S... Read more
Become a Gold sponsor and help us sustain our activities! Gold sponsors will receive: Announced on twitter Listed as Gold sponsor in the SPONSOR... Read more
Become a Platinum sponsor and help us sustain our activities! Platinum sponsors will receive: Announced on twitter Regularly mentioned in all em... Read more
Top financial contributors
$325 USD since Aug 2019
$50 USD since Aug 2019
$5 USD since Jan 2021
$1,059.99 USD since Nov 2021
$50 USD since Jan 2021
Passwordless.dev is all of us
Our contributors 8
Thank you for supporting Passwordless.dev.
Anders Åberg
Alex Seigler
GitHub Sponsors
$1,060 USD
Veikko Eeva
Backer (plaintext)
$325 USD
Jure Purgar
$50 USD
Auth Armor
$50 USD
Jernej Kavka ...
$5 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from GitHub Sponsors to Passwordless.dev •
Credit from GitHub Sponsors to Passwordless.dev •
$1,303.38 USD
$1,303.38 USD
--.-- USD
$350.00 USD

Our purpose is to to provide a developer friendly and well tested .NET FIDO2 Server / WebAuthn library for the easy validation of registration (attestation) and authentication (assertion) of FIDO2 / WebAuthn credentials, in order to increase the adoption of the technology, ultimately defeating phishing attacks.
FIDO2 / WebAuthn is a new open authentication standard, supported by browsers and many large tech companies such as Microsoft, Google etc. The main driver is to allow a user to login without passwords, creating passwordless flows or strong MFA for user signup/login on websites. The standard is not limited to web applications with support coming to Active Directory and native apps. The technology builds on public/private keys, allowing authentication to happen without sharing a secret between the user & platform. This brings many benefits, such as easier and safer logins and makes phishing attempts extremely hard. Read more: Why it's exciting Medium FIDO Alliance Yubico WebAuthn.Guide from Duo Security WebAuthn.io WebAuthn Awesome
Our team
Anders Åberg
Alex Seigler