PHP CodeSniffer
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Maintains PHP_CodeSniffer, a number of external standards for PHP_CodeSniffer and tooling to make it easier to use and develop for PHP_CodeSniffer.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
PHP CodeSniffer is all of us
Our contributors 59
Thank you for supporting PHP CodeSniffer.
Wim Godden
Corporate Funder
$80,000 USD
Human Made
Corporate Funder
$16,000 USD
Corporate Funder
$16,000 USD
GitHub Sponsors
$11,054 USD
Corporate Funder
$6,000 USD
Zend by Perforce
$3,000 USD
Alain Schlesser
$2,000 USD
$1,600 USD
$1,090 USD

This Open Collective is for the PHP_CodeSniffer project and associated sister-projects.
PHP_CodeSniffer is an "old" open source project (started in 2006) and has been maintained for the longest time by the original maintainer, Greg Sherwood.
Over the last few years, Greg had less and less time for the project and day-to-day maintenance was more and more being done by Juliette Reinders Folmer (@jrfnl).
As of November 2023, the original project has been abandoned and development of PHP_CodeSniffer continues in the PHPCSStandards organisation under supervision of Juliette.
The Need for Funding
This Open Collective intends to support continued maintenance of the following projects:
PHP_CodeSniffer is an "old" open source project (started in 2006) and has been maintained for the longest time by the original maintainer, Greg Sherwood.
Over the last few years, Greg had less and less time for the project and day-to-day maintenance was more and more being done by Juliette Reinders Folmer (@jrfnl).
As of November 2023, the original project has been abandoned and development of PHP_CodeSniffer continues in the PHPCSStandards organisation under supervision of Juliette.
The Need for Funding
This Open Collective intends to support continued maintenance of the following projects:
- PHP_CodeSniffer
- Composer installer for PHP_CodeSniffer
- PHPCSUtils
- PHPCSExtra
- PHPCompatibility and its sub-standards, like PHPCompatibilitySymfony and PHPCompatibilityWP.
- PHPCSDevTools
- ... over time, potentially more generic external standards for PHP_CodeSniffer...
Maintenance of these projects takes many forms, but includes, amongst other tasks:
- Regularly updating PHP_CodeSniffer and PHPCSUtils to handle new syntaxes being added to PHP.
- Updating individuals sniffs in all standards to be able to handle new PHP syntaxes.
- Improving contributor friendliness of projects.
- Reviewing contributions and coaching contributors.
- Coaching potential candidates for joining the maintainer pool.
Disclaimer: No goods or services are expected in return for donations. Any requests for refunds for those purposes will be rejected.
Our team
Wim Godden

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from PHP CodeSniffer
Updates on our activities and progress.
PHP_CodeSniffer: one year in
Today marks the one year anniversary since I took on - and took over - as the maintainer of the PHP_CodeSniffer project. As you may have noticed, this is the first n...
Published on December 1, 2024 by jrf

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #750463
Credit from GitHub Sponsors to PHP CodeSniffer •
Added funds #842133
Contribution #717843
Today’s balance$8,420.82 USD
Total raised
$128,539.77 USD
Total disbursed
$120,118.95 USD
Estimated annual budget
$111,474.03 USD