Platform Cooperatives Germany eG
Platform Coops Germany eG builds the cooperative, digital economy in Germany and beyond.
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Support the following initiatives from Platform Cooperatives Germany eG.
PCG als Fiskal-Host für Beratungsprojekte (% Gebühr für Konto und Overheadabläufe)
Platform Cooperatives Germany eG is hosting the following events.
Past event
02:00 PM-05:00 PM UTC
Top financial contributors
Ela Kagel
€10 EUR since Oct 2022
Platform Cooperatives Germany eG is all of us
Our contributors 3
Thank you for supporting Platform Cooperatives Germany eG.
Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #574123
Today’s balance€11.50 EUR
Total income
€11.50 EUR
Total disbursed
--.-- EUR
Estimated annual budget
--.-- EUR
Focussing on the following four work areas Platform Coops Germany eG builds the cooperative, digital economy in Germany and beyond, as well as advocates for the service offerings from the community and potential partners.
1) Startup consultancy: Supporting founders and teams to create cooperative and social impact driven business models, designing governance structures that suit the needs of individual communities, guiding through step-by-step founding and registration processes and advising on potential funding mechanisms.
2) Business consultancy: Supporting the product and business development affords, enhancing community building, consulting, facilitating & coaching regarding the setup of governance frameworks, developing pilot projects and match-making with potential best-practices and members of the community.
3) Platform Coops network: Hosting and facilitating calls, community workshops and other online formats to engage entrepreneurs, business leaders, activists, researchers and policy makers around various topics ranging from social entrepreneurship, cooperative economy, blockchain, DLTs to Web3 and more.
4) Building infrastructure and ecosystems: Participating, moderating and organising of events, developing educational materials, pioneering concepts on cooperative franchise models, remuneration schemes and new pension systems, advocating and accomplishing worker buyouts, as well as supporting petitions.
Our team
Claudia Henke
Andreas Arnold