We write open source debugging tools for embedded microcontrollers.
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Financial Contributions
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You are a happy startup and user of probe-rs in one of its various forms and earn money with it actively and would love to support its further deve... Read more
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Top financial contributors
$25,601.35 USD since Nov 2020
$50 USD since Aug 2021
probe-rs is all of us
Our contributors 6
Thank you for supporting probe-rs.
Noah Hüsser
Dominik Boehi
Emil Fresk
GitHub Sponsors
$25,601 USD
Rafael Kraut
$50 USD
Transparent and open finances.
Credit from GitHub Sponsors to probe-rs •
Credit from GitHub Sponsors to probe-rs •
Credit from GitHub Sponsors to probe-rs •
$22,693.73 USD
$23,083.22 USD
$389.49 USD
$5,385.81 USD