Protocol Buffers for Typescript
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Creating better tooling around gRPC and Protocol Buffers for Web, NodeJS and TypeScript ecosystem.
Well maintained protoc-gen-ts
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Financial Contributions
Back me up to bring more features to protoc-gen-ts and keep it well maintained and enable me to bring more goodies to the gRPC/Web/TypeScript ecosy... Read more
$0.00 USD of $1,000 USD / month raised (0%)
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$200 USD / month
Support the following initiatives from Protocol Buffers for Typescript.
Make protoc-gen-ts work with grpc-web seamlessly.
Top financial contributors
Zachary Voase
$50 USD since Jun 2022
Takeo Sawada
$5 USD since Nov 2022
$1,400 USD since Jun 2022
Protocol Buffers for Typescript is all of us
Our contributors 4
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Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #572055
Contribution #572055
Contribution #572055
Today’s balance$1,264.55 USD
Total raised
$1,264.55 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Protocol Buffers for Typescript
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We have reached 100 stars on Github!
It has been a long time since I started this project but finally, we reached the goal of hundred stars on Github!
Published on December 8, 2021 by Sahin Yort

gRPC and Protocol Buffers are great tools to develop distributed systems. However, the support for TypeScript has been absent in the protocol buffers and grpc ecosystem. protoc doesn't support TypeScript at all. So my main purpose is to gradually write better toolings around Typescript and gRPC, Protocol Buffers to better support the javascript/typescript community.
Protocol Buffers / gRPC are provided as-is and in most cases, it does not work out of the box and they have little interest in changing the way these tools work because they use these inside Google heavily. they don't really care about the community when it comes to JavaScript/TypeScript with protoc.
They are many longstanding issues that are labeled with `javascript` is big. Some of them are unlikely to be fixed any time soon.
Protocol Buffers / gRPC are provided as-is and in most cases, it does not work out of the box and they have little interest in changing the way these tools work because they use these inside Google heavily. they don't really care about the community when it comes to JavaScript/TypeScript with protoc.
They are many longstanding issues that are labeled with `javascript` is big. Some of them are unlikely to be fixed any time soon.