Open Collective
Open Collective

Parker Village: Community Resilience Initiative is transitioning to a new Fiscal Host

Parker Village: Community Resilience Initiative cannot receive contributions at the moment. This page will be updated with more information once the collective transitions to a new Fiscal Host.

Parker Village: Community Resilience Initiative

The Parker Village Community Resilience Initiative supports Highland Park residents with food and water distribution, life and job skills training, and emergency assistance.


Parker Village: Community Resilience Initiative is all of us

Our contributors 7

Thank you for supporting Parker Village: Community Resilience Initiative.

Jackson Koeppel


$1,700 USD

Juan Shannon


$160 USD

Thanks to @Tribeofficial for supporting us!!

Victor R Thomas


$160 USD



$160 USD

Emily Kimbrough

$100 USD

John J Delurey

$50 USD


$50 USD


Transparent and open finances.

-$598.50 USD
Reimbursement #202666
-$139.92 USD
Reimbursement #202661
-$1,413.00 USD
Reimbursement #198131
Today’s balance

$9.17 USD

Total raised

$2,161.76 USD

Total disbursed

$2,152.59 USD

Estimated annual budget

$1,011.48 USD


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Parker Village: Community Resilience Initiative

Updates on our activities and progress.

ROAR in 2024!!!

Contribute to Parker Village: Community Resilience Initiative to see this Update
Published on December 21, 2023 by Juan Shannon

Happy 2023!!!

Wishing everyone a Happy 2023!! Building up for a fantastic year!!! Continuing our community newsletter and community giving! Thank you for your support on our launch and your continued support forward!!
Read more
Published on January 3, 2023 by Juan Shannon

Happy Holidays!

The team at the Parker Village Community Resilience Initiative would like to wish everyone a Happy holiday season. Don't forget to sign up as a supporter. We have huge plans for the community in 2023. Goal 1 is to make sure we can continue...
Read more
Published on December 22, 2022 by Juan Shannon


Parker Village is a smart neighborhood development project, started in 2015 by lifelong Highland Parker Juan Shannon, centered around sustainability and community benefit. Since the Covid-19 pandemic began, Parker Village has been operating as a community resilience hub providing food, essential items and emergency response to the Highland Park, Michigan community as a member of the Highland Park Community Crisis Coalition. We are launching the Parker Villager: Community Resilience Initiative to provide ongoing support for this communtiy service work, which many members of the nearby communtiy have come to rely upon.

Donations to the Parker Villager Communtiy Resilience Initiate will support the staffing, supplies, and necessary tools, equipment and infrastructure for this work. This includes the operation of a 200 bed urban farm, distribution of food and water to the community, provision of emergency support, and supporting communtiy members with life and job skills training.

Our team

Juan Shannon

Thanks to @Tribeofficial for supporting us!!