Open Collective
Open Collective

Become a contributor

These are all the ways you can help make our community sustainable.

Recurring contribution

You know about pyRevit and love it. You want to express some gratitude to the people relentlessly maintaining it.

Starts at
$5 USD / month

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+ 4
Sponsor Code Improvements

It will help us maintain the code base and enforce issues resolution, and if we may be able to hire someone fulltime to solve these issues.

$100 USD of $5,000 USD / month raised (2%)

Starts at
$100 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
Sponsor New Tools

New simple tools can be created, and your suggestions will be taken into account

Starts at
$100 USD / month

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You Love What We Do and Your Company Too

You and your company want to sponsor the work of the pyRevit maintainers, as simple as that.

$250 USD of $5,000 USD raised (5%)

Starts at
$250 USD

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We love pyrevit and want to help improve it for the next year and more


Your donation will help us hire a part-time but hopefully full-time pro C# dev with an AEC background to refactor some of the code base in a more r... Read more

$0.00 USD of $50,000 USD raised (0%)

Starts at
$5,000 USD

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Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Latest activity by

+ 31
Rapid Application Development (RAD) Environment for Autodesk Revit®

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Past event
02:30 PM-03:30 PM UTC
Cummunity meetup

Attended by

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