Defeating the cholera outbreak and improving Syria's water cleanliness is essential in protecting the population's health and preventing water-borne illnesses.
In recent years, Syria's rising temperatures and foreign water restrictions have enormously diminished the water levels of the Euphrates River—the country's most significant source of water for centuries. The instability surrounding water acquisition and distribution has led much of the population to rely on unsafe water sources, leaving a vulnerable community at risk of contracting water-borne illnesses. On September 10th, the UN sounded the alarm on a developing cholera outbreak in Syria directly linked to the ongoing water crisis and the Euphrates. With thousands already affected, some fatally, the threat of further exposure and an influx in cases is imminent—leaving the entire Middle East at risk. Relief and assistance from global organizations are on their way to the country; however, the UN is graciously calling on donor countries to help contribute additional funds and resources in order to contain and prevent growing infections.