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Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Micke Nordin
$55 USD since May 2024
Lucas Dohmen
$10 USD since Apr 2024
Redict is all of us
Our contributors 3
Thank you for supporting Redict.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Micke Nordin to Redict •
Contribution #761429
Credit from Micke Nordin to Redict •
Contribution #761429
Credit from Micke Nordin to Redict •
Contribution #761429
Today’s balance$49.32 USD
Total raised
$49.32 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
$70.00 USD

Redict is an independent, grassroots, and community managed project to maintain a distributed, high-performance in-memory key/value store.
This collective is managed by trusted community members and is used to cover reasonable expenses, such as the cost of operating our container registry. If you choose to support us above what is necessary to cover operating expenses, we will invest it in the project's long-term goals, for example to cover the costs of improving documentation, translations, integrating and maintaining innovations from the broader free software key/value store ecosystem, and so on.
This collective is managed by trusted community members and is used to cover reasonable expenses, such as the cost of operating our container registry. If you choose to support us above what is necessary to cover operating expenses, we will invest it in the project's long-term goals, for example to cover the costs of improving documentation, translations, integrating and maintaining innovations from the broader free software key/value store ecosystem, and so on.
Our team
Drew DeVault