Roc Streaming
Open source
Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
Roc Streaming is a collection of software for streaming high quality audio over unreliable networks like Wi-Fi.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$40 USD since Apr 2024
$20 USD since Jan 2024
$10 USD since Nov 2024
Roc Streaming is all of us
Our contributors 5
Thank you for supporting Roc Streaming.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Incognito to Roc Streaming •
Contribution #804595
Credit from Incognito to Roc Streaming •
Contribution #804595
Credit from Hunter to Roc Streaming •
Contribution #753664
Today’s balance$58.89 USD
Total raised
$58.89 USD
Total disbursed
--.-- USD
Estimated annual budget
$50.00 USD

About us
Roc Streaming is a collection of software for streaming high quality audio over unreliable networks like Wi-Fi. It provides libraries, tools, bindings, sound server integrations, mobile apps. The project has a huge roadmap.
This project is developed by volunteers, with huge amount of work being done in their free time. Donations will help us to spend more time on the project and keep it growing.
Donations received on Open Collective will be primarily used to sponsor developers time. They will be accumulated until we collect a meaningful amount suitable for funding development for a few weeks or more.
Feel free to contact us if you would like to sponsor development of a particular feature.
Thank you!
Roc Streaming is a collection of software for streaming high quality audio over unreliable networks like Wi-Fi. It provides libraries, tools, bindings, sound server integrations, mobile apps. The project has a huge roadmap.
This project is developed by volunteers, with huge amount of work being done in their free time. Donations will help us to spend more time on the project and keep it growing.
Donations received on Open Collective will be primarily used to sponsor developers time. They will be accumulated until we collect a meaningful amount suitable for funding development for a few weeks or more.
Feel free to contact us if you would like to sponsor development of a particular feature.
Thank you!
Our team
Victor Gaydov
Mikhail Baranov