Open Collective
Open Collective


Updates on our activities and progress.

Most recent
Dear Donors and Supporters of the Roslindale Fridge, We have a few exciting updates to share with you! First off, after a tireless search for a new fridge location, we have finally found a willing host! We...
Dear Roslindale Community Fridge Supporters & Donors, First of all, we want to thank all current and prior donors to the Roslindale Community Fridge. This generosity has helped us provide free food to countless neighbors in need over th...
Hello friends! The original Roslindale Community Fridge has made its departure from us last week and we have replaced it with a new fridge! It was such a great run and we are excited for our new fridge. Will send updates on when it gets pai...
Hey friends! As we had mentioned before, we are currently working to provide more food access resources to our neighbors and friends. As of this month, we are working to create a community garden at the Healy Field in Roslindale! Our commun...
We are super excited to announce our latest intiative: Mutual Love; our monthly food drive that will be taking place at the Roslindale Community Fridge. Each month, we plan to have a theme that relates to food insecurity and provide resourc...
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