Open Collective
Open Collective
December 2022 News from SAR ("What's Update")
Published on December 6, 2022 by William Pate

Tuesday, December 6, 2022


Let's start this email with a shared welcome and heartfelt thank you to Arvilla Fee, who has taken on the role of poetry editor for San Antonio Review. If she hadn't stepped up to the plate with her eagerness to learn and motivation to get her hands dirty, SAR would likely have remained on hiatus for a much longer period. We certainly wouldn't have seen the level of publication we've seen over the last few months. For the first time, we've published multiple pieces on our usual "pub days" of Sunday and Wednesday. As if being a college professor and mom weren't enough work for Arvilla, she advocated for and largely made this possible within the collective by working so efficiently and effectively through our various piles of submissions (in Duosuma, PubPub, etc.).

A byproduct is that we've nearly emptied out our submission queue — for the first time in a long while. PubPub's new submission process, while proving difficult for some in the beginning, seems to have improved our workflow and communication with people seeking to contribute work to the journal. Thank the PubPub team for all their hard work in sustaining and extending an open infrastructure.

Speaking of open infrastructures, did you know our finances are transparent? As a nonprofit collective, we've chosen to use Open Collective to transparently share our budget — down to every dime we spent. Our nonprofit status is provided by Open Collective Foundation. If you're a member of the SAR community, you're eligible to vote for OCF's next board member. While I am listed as a nominee, this email is in no way a solicitation for your vote. I just want you to know your eligibility and encourage you to vote for the person you think would best serve SAR and other OCF nonprofits. It's ranked choice anyway — you can vote for me even if it is as last place.

Now to be transparent about our long-awaited sixth print edition. We've run into trouble with Pressbooks, the platform we used to turn our PubPub-published pieces into a print-ready format. Pressbooks changed their pricing from a one-time fee to a monthly subscription per user model. That cost is unsustainable for SAR. You can visit Open Collective to see just how little we have ($29.10). So, we've been searching for a new collaborative editing platform to replace Pressbooks/hoping for a designer to volunteer/intern for the collective to help us out on that end. This year's print issue may not be issued until 2023, which means there'll likely be at least two issues (among other surprises) coming out in 2023. And it will be even thicker.

Don't forget you can thank Arvilla (or any of editorial collectives members who keep this thing running), offset some of our out-of-pocket expenses and support open access to new literature, arts and ideas (and get a tax deduction) by donating to San Antonio Review on Open Collective.

Here's what you've missed if you haven't visited recently.

Thank you!



William O. Pate II
Founding Editor & Publisher
San Antonio Review
[email protected]

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