Open Collective
Open Collective

Save the Truth

A creative non-profit organization combating mis- and disinformation.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution

✔️ Donations from US are tax-deductible. For European, it depends on the country you reside in.

Starts at
€5 EUR / month
Recurring contribution

✔️ Donations from US are tax-deductible. For European, it depends on the country you reside in.

Starts at
€100 EUR / month
Recurring contribution

🏆 Your logo will be on our homepage at the top. ✔️ Donations from US are tax-deductible. For European, it depends on the country you reside in.

€100,000 EUR / year
Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Save the Truth is all of us

Our contributors 2

Thank you for supporting Save the Truth.

Taci Yalcin

Let's all be ambassadors of truth together!


Using the ⚛ science-backed Prebunking technique and latest ✨AI tools, we are educating people about common manipulation tactics used in mis- and disinformation. So they can be better prepared to spot and 💪 resist these tactics when they encounter them.

Psychologically Vaccinated Minds 

 "Prebunking is built on inoculation theory, which was developed in the 1960s by social psychologist William McGuire, and designed to be used as a psychological vaccine for brainwash."

"Just as weakened exposure to a pathogen triggers antibody production, inoculation theory posits that pre-emptively exposing people to a weakened persuasive argument builds people’s resistance against future manipulation." 

We are a creative non-profit organization dedicated to preventing the spread of misinformation about elections, health, climate and other important issues.

Through innovative campaigns and engaging content, we empower people to recognize and resist deceptive narratives before they take root, fostering a more resilient and informed society in all over the world.

  • Inoculative Creative Content
  • Advertising Campaigns
  • AI-Powered Projects
  • Research & Publications

    Support us ❤️ Become a Truth Ambassador! 

Our team

Taci Yalcin

Let's all be ambassadors of truth together!