Search Deflector
Search Deflector is a small tool that redirects searches made from the Windows Start Menu or Cortana to whatever browser and search engine you prefer. No more Microsoft Edge and Bing!
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Support development by donating once to the project, and receive a product key to redeem on the Microsoft Store by emailing [email protected].
Support the project and the developer monthly, and receive two product keys to redeem on the Microsoft Store by emailing [email protected].
Support the project and the developer yearly, and receive five product keys to redeem on the Microsoft Store by emailing [email protected].
Top financial contributors
$3 USD since May 2024
Search Deflector is all of us
Our contributors 2
Thank you for supporting Search Deflector.
Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Evan to Search Deflector •
$2.11 USD
$2.11 USD
--.-- USD
$3.00 USD
Search Deflector is a small tool that redirects searches made from the Windows Start Menu or Cortana to whatever browser and search engine you prefer. No more Microsoft Edge and Bing!
Now you can search faster by just tapping the Windows key, and typing your search. Hit enter, or click one of the results in the right panel. This is faster than opening your browser (if it isn't already), opening a new tab, and clicking the search bar. I've found it to be a good quality-of-life trick.
Please don't forget to star this repository if you like what I've made!
After a simple setup, you can use any browser (provided it is registered as a protocol handler) and any search engine. If you are having trouble getting either of these to work, send me an email at [email protected] or create an issue, and I will see what I can do to get your custom settings working.
Our team
Jacob Birkett