Open Collective
Open Collective

Super Reality

Bending probability towards an awesome future.


Super Reality: The Future of Education

Our Mission
Co-create intelligence in everything, enabled by AI and AR in a united metaverse. 

Our Model
Super Reality is a gateway to allow people to program intelligence into everything. Super Reality builds the underlying infrastructure that connects to every educator and maintains a living copy of data fed to the intelligent agent so that students and teachers can provide and access knowledge asynchronously. 

Our Map
Super Reality helps to map a path through a data set so that students can create their own journey to reach their goals and access data in a way that is simple yet impactful. The net effect of Super Reality's infrastructure is a flexible set of use cases. We are trying to get the best people in the world working together on a shared vision for creating collective intelligence in education and communication. Join us!

Our team


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution
Super Star

Join us for $5.00 per month and support us

Starts at
$5 USD / month

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One-time contribution
Super Reality

Join us for $10.00 and support us

Starts at
$10 USD

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Super Sponsor

Join us for $100.00 per month and support us

Starts at
$100 USD / month

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Custom contribution
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+ 1


Support the following initiatives from Super Reality.

To create intelligent agents.

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Develop a framework which embodies a culture by capturing the linguistics and ontology whole in o...

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To create autonomous intelligent agents.

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Super Reality is hosting the following events.

Past event
01:30 PM-05:30 PM UTC
Join us for Super Team Up Tuesday! We'll be discussing the future of education in the metaverse w...Read more


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Super Reality

Updates on our activities and progress.


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #545723
Contribution #545723
Contribution #545723
Today’s balance

$168.11 USD

Total raised

$94,939.45 USD

Total disbursed

$94,771.34 USD

Estimated annual budget

$25.00 USD