Open Collective
Open Collective


Co-creating solutions for a world based in harmony, unity, love, where we each freely bring our genius & gifts to our collective field.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Custom contribution
Angel Wings

Your contribution is a symbol for SUPPORTING our vision & mission.

Starts at
€11 EUR

Latest activity by

+ 6
One-time contribution
Infinite Resource

Your contribution is a symbol for infusing our collective with ABUNDANCE, PROSPERITY & INFINITE RESOURCE.

€369 EUR

Latest activity by

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Custom contribution
Highest Timeline

Your contribution is a symbol for aligning to the HIGHEST POTENTIAL.

Starts at
€1,000 EUR

Latest activity by

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Support the following initiatives from StarTribe.

Weeklong Expeditions to get clear on your calling, activate your genius and step into all you ca...

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!
We wish to print 150 books & 500 card decks to be GIFTED and inspire a more purposedriven, fulfil...

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Top financial contributors


111 EUR since May 2024


100 EUR since May 2024

Barbara G.

97 EUR since Jul 2024

Bart Hoorweg

50 EUR since Feb 2024


44 EUR since Jul 2024


40 EUR since Jun 2024


33 EUR since May 2024


11 EUR since May 2024


11 EUR since Jun 2024

Tobe Ahoraki

11 EUR since Jul 2024

StarTribe is all of us

Our contributors 12

Thank you for supporting StarTribe.

Stephanie Claus

Living in the wish fulfilled of a thriving Earth.


Angel Wings

€111 EUR


Angel Wings

€100 EUR

Barbara G.

Angel Wings

€97 EUR

Bart Hoorweg

Angel Wings

€50 EUR


Angel Wings

€44 EUR


Angel Wings

€40 EUR


Angel Wings

€33 EUR


Angel Wings

€11 EUR


Angel Wings

€11 EUR

Tobe Ahoraki

Angel Wings

€11 EUR


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #775671
Reimbursement #223396
Reimbursement #223395
Today’s balance

€32.42 EUR

Total raised

€453.55 EUR

Total disbursed

€421.13 EUR

Estimated annual budget

€596.00 EUR


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from StarTribe

Updates on our activities and progress.

📖 Be Part of the Magic: Stephanie Claus’ Book Reveal! 📖

Dear Friends and Community, · We are excited to share this invitation for a *surprising* event that intends to ignite your imagination and inspire your soul. Join us on June 6 at 7:30 PM CET for The Book Reveal, where Steph...
Read more
Published on May 24, 2024 by Stephanie Claus


At StarTribe, we shift from an individual into a collective way of operating, aim to unlock our genius & gifts, foster generosity & free energy exchange, and together explore and co-create solutions for a thriving world, based in harmony, unity & love. That is our shared north-Star.

More practically, we envision:
  • Creating community: a unified collective of purposedriven people who explore solutions & co-create offerings that support humanity to thrive. 
  • Creating online & offline spaces for personal development, self-expression and co-creation.  
  • Creating products that inspire people to know themselves, awaken their potential & get clarity on what their unique contribution is to the world. Our offerings combine online community gatherings & workshops, live events & expeditions, co-creation incubators, products (book, artwork, …),… and more to come.

StarTribe and its co-creations are based on a paradigm of Free Energy Exchange.

Free Energy Exchange is based on the recognition of infinity as the underlying foundation of our reality. As a consequence, we allow ourselves to tap into infinite possibility & resources and pierce through any illusions of lack. Together, we can. Together, we have it all.
Contributions are not coming from lack, need or obligation, but simply from being in tune with what is relevant and requested within the whole collective. Contributing becomes spontaneous & joyful. We remember it's a part of our essence as a human being. We remember how to be generous.

StarTribe is  supporting and stimulating Free Energy Exchange in the world. We envision people naturally overflowing and spontaneously contributing their gifts, where no return is needed because the offering is fulfilling in itself. Giving and receiving are one.

All contributors are thus invited to share, donate & co-create based on this vision and in support of a different economy, and even more so ... a different way of living.

StarTribe is an emerging co-creative community, so we can only glimpse what is possible. 
As more cocreators join, more offerings become available.

Our team

Stephanie Claus

Living in the wish fulfilled of a thriving Earth.