Fiscal Host: Open Source Collective
The fundamental library for scientific computing in JavaScript.
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$750 USD since Oct 2024
Saul Shanabrook
$55 USD since Nov 2023
GitHub Sponsors
$11.13 USD since May 2024
stdlib is all of us
Our contributors 6
Thank you for supporting stdlib.
Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Saul Shanabrook to stdlib •
Contribution #710938
Debit from stdlib to Athan Reines •
Reimbursement #222472
software & subscriptions
cloud services & hosting
-$14.50 USD
Reimbursement #222487
software & subscriptions
cloud services & hosting
Today’s balance$220.24 USD
Total raised
$702.90 USD
Total disbursed
$482.66 USD
Estimated annual budget
$821.13 USD
stdlib is the fundamental library for numerical and scientific computing on the web, providing the data structure and algorithmic building blocks necessary to create advanced libraries for data analysis, statistical computing, and machine learning.
By supporting our work, you'll be helping stdlib's maintainers manage and grow the stdlib project and community.
The funds are generally intended to offset hosting and infrastructure costs and to support stdlib core maintainers to work on the project part or full-time.
By supporting our work, you'll be helping stdlib's maintainers manage and grow the stdlib project and community.
The funds are generally intended to offset hosting and infrastructure costs and to support stdlib core maintainers to work on the project part or full-time.