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Strapi Dockerize Tool

Part of: Strapi

Add docker support for a Strapi Project with ease 🚀


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Contribution #785602
Contribution #685884

Credit from Filip "hestJaevel" Åhlander to Strapi Dockerize Tool

Contribution #618538
Today’s balance

$40.33 USD

Total raised

$40.33 USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

$5.00 USD


Strapi Dockerize Tool is a tool for creating your own Docker 🐳 images for your Strapi projects 🌟.

The Strapi Dockerize Tool tool simplifies the process of building and deploying your Strapi project as a Docker container. It provides a set of scripts and configurations that allow you to build a Docker image for your project with a single command, and then run the image as a container with another command. This can be especially useful if you want to automate the deployment of your Strapi project to a cloud platform or to a local development environment.

To use the Strapi Dockerize Tool, you will need to have Docker installed on your system.
npx @strapi-community/dockerize 

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Our contributors 6

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$20 USD

Francesco Delogu

$10 USD


$5 USD

Filip "hestJa...

$5 USD


$5 USD


$5 USD