Studyplus, Inc.
Learnings SNS “Studyplus"
Studyplus is a free learning management mobile application which also offers SNS features and various process visualisation.
We are proud to be used by the most high school students in Japan as a study management application to keep getting motivated. Friends do wonders!
We also have a service "Studyplus for school", on top of Studyplus.
It allows teachers to track their pupils' progresses and plan ahead on behalf of them.
Studyplus is a free learning management mobile application which also offers SNS features and various process visualisation.
We are proud to be used by the most high school students in Japan as a study management application to keep getting motivated. Friends do wonders!
We also have a service "Studyplus for school", on top of Studyplus.
It allows teachers to track their pupils' progresses and plan ahead on behalf of them.
Our team
studyplus eng...


Transparent and open finances.