Today's Balance
Legal Costs

Support the Tolaga Bay community - help the Crawford family recover their home
CONNECTION: EHF supports enterprise in Tolaga Bay through fellow Lily Stender and the community has welcomed Fellows on several occasions. Earlier this year fifteen fellows stayed at the Tolaga Bay Inn for the weekend and were treated to a full welcome at the Marae. Connections and assistance to enterprises there has resulted in real and heartfelt benefit for the Tolaga Bay community and EHF.
INJUSTICE: On the most recent EHF visit, fellows Sasha Lockley and Janine Edge discovered how the local Crawford family had suffered a major misfortune and injustice. In 2019 their old family house (see above) was dropped by a house moving company while in the process of being re-piled. The house is now uninhabitable and irreparable. Rick Crawford has had to camp in his garage and his 84 year old mother to move to a temporary rental in Gisborne away from family and pets. For the full story see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRmzVVMl-7E
EHF HELP: The Crawfords did not have the resources and legal backing to obtain a proper payment of damages so they can build anew. The case is too big for community legal services and too small to obtain the calibre of legal clout required. Fellow Steven Moe has solved this problem by arranging for the law firm where he is a partner, ParryField, to act for the Crawfords. Other EHF fellows are also helping with their house building and financing expertise.
ASK: We want to help the Crawfords have a home again, and to further build trust and relationship with the Tolaga Bay community by using fellows’ skills and connections. While Janine is providing her skills for free, it would not be feasible for Steven to ask his firm to act without any payment. The first tranche of costs have been met by the Crawford family, but this is a stretch and our initial ask is for a matching $2,500 to further fund legal costs. Negotiations have already commenced and your support is essential to bring these to a satisfactory conclusion. Koha may also go towards re-building costs.
Our team
Janine Edge
Lily Stender

Home for the Crawford Family is all of us
Our contributors 12
Thank you for supporting Home for the Crawford Family.
Janine Edge
$226 NZD
Lily Stender
$100 NZD
Centrality Li...
$1,785 NZD
$375 NZD
Faumuina Tafunai
$200 NZD
Adam Cohen
$200 NZD
Ryan McIntyre
$100 NZD
Sasha Lockley
$100 NZD
Anita Baldauf
$100 NZD
$100 NZD
Tina Jennen
$100 NZD
Kim & Pam Aitken
$100 NZD

Transparent and open finances.
from Tolaga Bay Inn Charitable Trust to Home for the Crawford Family •
-$356.99 NZD
Credit from IRD to Home for the Crawford Family •
Added funds #515965
-$2,910.00 NZD
Today’s balance--.-- NZD
Total raised
$3,266.99 NZD
Total disbursed
$3,266.99 NZD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- NZD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Home for the Crawford Family
Updates on our activities and progress.
Settlement finalised
Kia ora koutou dear contributors.... I have pleasure to inform you that a settlement agreement has been reached for the Crawford whanau. This would not have been possible without your generous contributions and the hard work carried out by...
Published on December 14, 2021 by Lily Stender
Target has been achieved... Power of the EHF collective
Kia ora koutou dear Fellows Please find a video message from Rick Crawford… the target has been achieved! A fine example of the power of our EHF collective. Words cannot express his true appreciation, hence the video attached....
Published on August 23, 2021 by Lily Stender