Tamas Hovanyecz
Total amount contributed
$5.44 USD

Transparent and open finances.
Debit from Tamas Hovanyecz to WhoCards •
Contribution #695900
↑ Total contributed
$5.44 USD
↓ Total received with expenses
--.-- USD

Why do you contribute to the WhoCards mission?
As a person who naturally loves connecting to people, it has been difficult to experience a sense of social anxiety when being around others. Over the years I’ve been finding myself in all these rooms full of incredibly diverse humans and perspectives, yet feeling a sense of awkwardness about myself. WhoCards helped me to turn these rooms into a playground and enabled me not just to step out of my anxious thoughts, but also to spark a shift in the dynamic of human connections into the direction of more authenticity, vulnerability and openness. And I am motivated to ‘gift’ this opportunity to others by co-creating and sharing this initiative.
What is your favorite WhoCards question?
What makes you smile these days?