Teamo (Esperanto: team) is about better governance model (reflexive method) for public/private sector and consortia.
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Financial Contributions
If you share a common vision with Teamo mission "teamwork matter", you can become a supporter of its ongoing development and participate actively v... Read more
Teamo is hosting the following events.
Top financial contributors
$100 CAD since Jan 2019
Teamo is all of us
Our contributors 5
Thank you for supporting Teamo.
Bruno Cecchini
$100 CAD
Jean Pierre L...
Alexey Oshepkov
Martin Ouimet
Ann' Araujo
Transparent and open finances.
webflow update
webflow update
Proposed Riker beard effect
$4.13 CAD
$93.25 CAD
$89.12 CAD
--.-- CAD
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Teamo
Updates on our activities and progress.
Teamo Manifesto
Teamo idea starts with the urgent need for a better governance model that scale bottom up (reflexive method) to create a more effective chain of command to leverage the intrinsic value that stakeholders could bring to the table by improving return on investment and reducing market risk for all stakeholders involved.
Our goal is to attack the governance trilemma (social, capital and technological) for helping start-up, public/private sector and consortia to have better governance model. We open a collective because we know that reflexivity is contextual, is no one size that fit them all about governance, on the same token we could build a strong foundation based on collaboration, transparency, and honesty.
Governance is about values, at Teamo our value is creating richness and our core value is about sharing the pursuit of happiness, we strongly believe that the road of prosperity should be shared, cared and maintained with network rule that favor cooperation over competition.