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Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$650 USD since Feb 2018
$380 USD since Jun 2016
$255 USD since Apr 2017
$100 USD since Oct 2018
$60 USD since Apr 2017
$40 USD since Oct 2018
$27.95 USD since Mar 2018
$14 USD since Jun 2018
$0.5 USD since Dec 2016
Tessel is all of us
Our contributors 14
Thank you for supporting Tessel.
Nick Hehr
$380 USD
Kelsey Breseman
Jon McKay
Jasmin Jata
Tim Cameron Ryan
Rick Waldron
Tim Ryan
$255 USD
Alberto Cole
$60 USD
Jason Penny
$40 USD
Kelsey Breseman
$28 USD

Transparent and open finances.
$951.36 USD
$1,277.07 USD
$325.71 USD
--.-- USD

Tessel is a completely open source and community-driven IoT and robotics development platform. Build fast with Node.js, then optimize the hardware and build thousands.
Tessel encompasses development boards, hardware module add-ons, and the software that runs on them.
One common misconception is that Tessel is a company. We're not! We're just a collection of (unpaid) people who find it worthwhile to spend our time building towards the Tessel Project mission.
What's a Tessel?
Our website tessel.io should give you an overview of the hardware we build. You can see examples of things people have built on Tessel on our projects page.
Our team
Nick Hehr
Kelsey Breseman
Jon McKay
Jasmin Jata
Tim Cameron Ryan
Rick Waldron