TxDUG & Texas Camp
TxDUG is a gathering of Drupal users in cities across Texas, USA. Texas Camp is an annual Drupal conference in the Central Texas area.

TxDUG & Texas Camp is hosting the following events.
TxDUG & Texas Camp is all of us
Our contributors 9
Thank you for supporting TxDUG & Texas Camp.
Brandon Williams
David Stinemetze
Chris Martin
David Hahn
The Drupal As...
$6,542 USD
Texas Camp 2019
$3,971 USD

Transparent and open finances.
--.-- USD
$9,858.72 USD
$9,858.72 USD
--.-- USD

You can view upcoming events and discussions on https://www.meetup.com/Austin-Drupal-Users-Group or on https://groups.drupal.org/austin. If you're serious about learning Drupal and meeting other Drupalers in the Austin area, become an active participant (https://adug-slack.herokuapp.com/) in our new Slack group and come to any of our many upcoming events.
Texas Camp 2019 is Oct 18-19 at Codeup in San Antonio. Sign up for the newsletter and get more information at https://2019.texascamp.org.