Transparent and open finances.
About is a free to use job board for the culinary industry. We connect restaurants, hotels, and catering organizations with aspiring chefs, cooks, dishwashers, kitchen porters, bar backs, barkeeps, servers, hosts, maitre d's, and general managers looking for employment.
Use First was created by an out of work line-cook during the forced restaurant closures in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After looking around at the available offerings and really feeling like anyone connected with the specific needs of our industry, our founder built in hopes that it would provide the service industry with a free to use tool built for the very specific world of restaurants where turnover is faster, the interviewing process is completely different, and doing business in multiple languages is a way of life.
Built on Google’s cloud platform, the Use First App is made to scale to millions of concurrent job postings and active users. We also offer tools to help large restaurant groups collaborate and sift through piles of resumes from qualified candidates.
Our goal as an organization here on Open Collective is to give back to some of the open-source software organizations that help make our success possible. We see you and we thank you for the countless hours you no-doubt spend off the clock contributing to the open-source software community.
If you'd like to return the love, give us a follow on instagram where we post not only jobs but also general industry related tomfoolery and laughs.
Our team
Thomas Hunke